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To make money with a big Poker hand, your opponents have to have good hands also. This is true with Texas Holdem hands, but particularly true in split pot games.
There are times when slowplay is the right thing. But, not as many times as most players seem to think. If you’ve got any doubt whether slowplay is the right move — you should probably just bet.
Collectively we’re unconscious of any rancor over the German win. But we still dream of playing at Party Poker again.
Playing Overcards: A overview. The game of Texas Hold’Em Poker is one of the most exciting ways to play poker, and it has certainly energized the world of poker play. When playing this exciting game, however, it is vital to use proper strategy, and one of the most challenging situations involves the use of flops […]
Details on the Thirteen Poker Events of the World Poker Tour, including the World Poker Open at Binion’s Horseshoe in Tunica.
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